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PLEASE READ - Forum Rules and Guidelines

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
The Tajima DG15 by Pulse forums are a place where garment decoration professionals can discuss a variety of topics that are important to their businesses. We ask that you please follow the guidelines below to ensure a pleasant and educational experience for all of our users. These rules and guidelines are enforced by administrators and moderators, who may delete and/or edit posts that don’t comply with the rules without warning. Failure to comply with these rules may result in a ban from the forums.

Please note that these are international forums, so forum posts may be written in languages other than English. However, English is the most common language among users of this website and will in most cases result in the best participation and responses.

This forum is open for anyone to read, but only users of Tajima DG16, DG15, DG/ML14 and DG/ML13 (2009) by Pulse may comment or create topics. This is to ensure conversations stay relevant to all users and to reduce spam messages. If you are a Tajima DG by Pulse user and you are unable to post currently, please let us know via PM (Private Message) which version of DG you have and your security device number. We will adjust your permissions accordingly.

Forum Etiquette:
Respect other forum users and expect respect in return. Participation in any of the following behaviours may result in suspension or banning from the forums:

Hate Speech – Do not write insulting or hostile messages aimed to hurt or offend other users or groups of users. This includes, but is not limited to: race, gender, sexuality, personal beliefs, comments, or any other attack on a user/group’s character. It is perfectly acceptable to disagree with someone and debate is encouraged, but please do so politely by responding to their topic with logic rather than attacking their character.

Inappropriate Language - Please refrain from using inappropriate language, and do not bypass our filters. This forum is for people of all ages, and excessive swearing or crude language may result in moderation actions.

Caps Lock - Please ensure caps lock is off when posting. Caps lock is regarded as yelling online, and thus your words can be taken in the wrong context and become hurtful if presented in all caps.

No Spamming – Do not post advertisements or referral links to other services or programs. Posts may also count as spamming if they are extremely short and/or do not contribute to the thread topic in any meaningful way. Do not post just to increase your post count, as your posts may be removed if we deem they are unhelpful and contributing messages.

Inappropriate Images - Do not post inappropriate images or content. This site is for professionals of all ages and should be kept safe for work at all times.

Personal Information - Please do not post personal information on the forums. Your privacy is important to us, and Pulse Microsystems employees will never ask you to post your personal details on the forums. Support issues that require personal information details will only be handled through private Zendesk support tickets.

If another user is not following the rules, please use the report feature to let the admins know of the situation. Do not encourage or aggravate the user further, as this may result in moderation actions being required on both users.

If you have any questions about the rules of this forum, please contact an administrator for assistance.

Thanks, and we hope you enjoy each visit to our forums!
edited by PulseMicro on 9/4/2020
IMPORTANT - How to Report a Bug

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Pulse strives to bring you the best embroidery experience possible both on desktop with DG15 and On the Go with PulseCloud. Unfortunately, there are occasional bumps on the road, and we would appreciate it if you helped us smooth them out. If you come across a program bug that creates or causes a situation which negatively affects your ability to produce incredible digitized embroidery, please let us know so we can fix it!

Note: This forum is for bug reports only. To request new features, please see the Feature Requests forums. Before creating a new topic, please do a quick search to see if a similar issue is already being discussed. If so, feel free to provide any additional information you may have to that post instead of creating a new topic.

Please use the following format when reporting a bug:

1. Topic Title:

The Topic Title should be a very brief description of how the bug is triggered and/or what happens when the issue occurs. For example: Importing file X causes crash.

2. Version Number:

Your DG15 version number can be found by selecting Help -> About from the navigation menu. The version number will appear at the top of the pop up screen that appears. For example: Maestro

3. Detailed Description of Issue:

When writing about the issue, please be as specific as possible. Any notes about what you were doing leading up to the bug are very helpful in solving the issue. Other helpful information includes, but is not limited to: your last action before the bug occurred (trigger), the effect of the bug, and how often the error occurs. If the issue is one that can be replicated consistently (ie. the same actions cause the same bug each time), please provide step by step instructions on how reproduce the error if at all possible.

In addition, please provide the name of the operating system your computer is running if possible.

4. Accompanying Screenshots:

If you feel screenshots or other visuals would help us quickly pinpoint an issue, please attach them using the "Attach Files" button at the bottom of the post. Make sure they include a recognizable name if they are referenced in your description of the issue above, or a descriptive name otherwise.

We want to provide you with the best embroidery experience possible, and we thank you for your assistance in making Tajima DG15 by Pulse a better product for all users. Your patience is appreciated while we attend to any pressing issues that require a program update.
edited by admin on 10/16/2014
Simplify Your Digitizing Process with VBE - Part 1

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Simplify Your Digitizing Process with Vector Based Embroidery - Part One
By: Alex Papaioannou, Business Development Manager
Published in Imprint Canada

Digitizing can be a frustrating process for all embroiderers regardless of expertise. Adjusting and recreating each and every stitch, corner and outline with traditional embroidery can seem overwhelming and becomes quite cumbersome. Some professional digitizers continue to employ this tried and true method, but many have adopted the technological advantages and innovations of Vector Based Embroidery (VBE). Vector Based Embroidery is a technology that simplifies the process of turning artwork into embroidery by reducing the number of nodes a user must manage and easing the transition from artwork to embroidery.

VBE eliminates the need to draw, trace or digitize design segments individually. The entire conversion process from artwork to embroidery consists of selecting the desired segments and simply applying a stitch type.

In addition to saving you time, VBE also provides many advantages in terms of design and stitch quality. For example, it has the ability to support Bezier Curves, which allow for the creation of outlines with the least number of control points possible. This results in quicker and more precise embroidery creation. Simply put, you are editing the shape instead of completely recreating it from scratch.

A great addition to VBE software is the ability to have a fusion feature included in your software. Fusion features work by taking vector artwork from popular design programs and turning them into top quality embroidery. Fusion features can import vector files while preserving the original vector points and colours, aiding in the VBE process of turning the artwork into embroidery with speed, precision and ease.

The editing process with fusion features updates files dynamically, meaning any changes made to the artwork will be automatically reflected in the embroidery file. Changing stitch types is easy as well, simply convert the satin to a complex fill or vice versa, or choose from any of the other available stitch types. A fusion feature will also match the colours in your design to the actual threads that connect to your embroidery machine.

Read Part 2 here!
edited by PulseMicro on 10/31/2014
PulseCloud - Frequently Asked Questions

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Learn what tools and features are available to Tajima DG15 by Pulse users, and how to access them in the list of Frequently Asked Questions below.

How do I create a PulseCloud account?

Note: To create a PulseCloud account, you must have an activated Tajima DG15 by Pulse security device. You may purchase Tajima DG15 by Pulse by contacting your local Pulse distributor. (http://embroidery.pulsemicro.com/find-a-distributor.html)

When launching Tajima DG15 by Pulse for the first time, a pop up window will appear asking you to log into your PulseCloud account. New users must create an account by clicking the Register link at the bottom of the page. Please fill out all of the required information as indicated by a (*) symbol, and then click the Register button below to confirm. Note that your DG15 Authorization Code will be detected automatically, and should not be edited in order to complete registration successfully.

Once registration is complete, you will receive a verification email within 24 hours (usually instantly) to confirm your PulseCloud account. Click the link provided, or copy and paste the URL into a new internet browser window if required to verify your PulseCloud account. Once complete, you may log into your account using the username and password you set and begin using PulseCloud!

Alternatively, you may use the PulseCloud website (cloud.pulsemicro.com) to create a new account. Follow the same procedure to register, but please note that when using the PulseCloud website, your DG15 Authorization Code (security device number) will not be detected automatically. You must ensure this number is accessible in order to complete registration.

How do I access PulseCloud?

Tajima DG15 by Pulse users can access PulseCloud’s upload and download features within DG15 by selecting File -> Share -> PulseCloud.

In addition, PulseCloud and the WebApps can be accessed through any internet browser that supports HTML5 at cloud.pulsemicro.com. A PulseCloud user account is required.

What devices can I access PulseCloud with?

PulseCloud can be accessed by any device with an HTML5 compatible internet browser. This includes desktop/laptop PCs, tablets and mobile phone devices.

Please note that uploading, downloading and viewing designs with PulseCloud requires an internet connection. You may be charged applicable usage rates by your Internet Service Provider or Mobile Carrier for any internet usage that results from the use of PulseCloud.

How much does PulseCloud cost?

PulseCloud is available to Tajima DG by Pulse users free of charge for as long as your software is up to date. If your software is not kept up to date, you will be given advanced notification and time to download all of your designs before your account is closed.

Is PulseCloud connected to Dropbox?

PulseCloud is not connected to Dropbox, as it is a separate cloud storage system that is designed specifically for embroidery files. Using PulseCloud gains you access to a variety of embroidery tools and apps that other cloud storage systems cannot access, such as the PulseCloud Embroidery Editor application and machine status information.

Dropbox integration is also included within Tajima DG15 by Pulse as a separate service. DG15 users are able to upload and download files from Dropbox within DG15 as well, which may be useful to hold other important files such as graphic files (jpeg, png, etc.) spreadsheets, or customer quotes.

What machine statistics can I see?

PulseCloud keeps track of a number of machine statistics, which update each time an event occurs. An event can be defined as any change in the working status of the machine that causes it to start or stop.

If a machine stops, PulseCloud will display the reason for stoppage and a timestamp to notify the user of how long the downtime has lasted. Reasons may include, but are not limited to: thread breaks, emergency stops, or design completion. In addition, the design currently being worked on will be displayed as a preview image that shows the sewing progress up until the last event.

What do I have access to with PulseCloud?

PulseCloud currently grants you access to the following features and applications:

Upload/Download PXF files from the Cloud.
Browse and view uploaded PXF files in browser.
Tag, organize and comment on uploaded files.
Machine Status list
Machine Events list
Send Design to Machine Queue
View Machine Queue
Embroidery Editor – online template based editing application

More features and applications will be added to PulseCloud over time. These additions will be updated automatically on our web servers when available, and will not require an additional download. Features and application availability is subject to change without notice. Some future applications may require an additional purchase.

How many designs can I upload to PulseCloud?

PulseCloud offers space for up to 100,000 designs. Need more space? Contact us about our Enterprise Services!

What file types can I upload?

Currently, PulseCloud supports .PXF files.

How can I find my designs?

PulseCloud contains an advanced tagging feature, which enables you to assign multiple identifying keywords to every design you have uploaded. These tags can be selected to filter the design list for easy access to the designs you’re looking for. If you’re searching for a theme rather than a specific design, PulseCloud includes thumbnail view as well, so you can see a preview of each design before selecting one.

How secure are my designs?

PulseCloud uses Amazon S3 secure servers to store your embroidery designs, and each file is encrypted when transferring between the server and PulseCloud. All saved designs are completely private and can only be accessed through your unique PulseCloud account.

What format do my files have to be in for the Embroidery Editor to recognize them?

In order to use the template feature of the Embroidery Editor, text must be saved as an Element within your .PXF file. Other portions of the design do not require any adjustments.

Do you have a question that hasn't been answered? Let us know so we can add it to the FAQ above!
edited by PulseMicro on 12/18/2014
Simplify Your Digitizing Process with VBE - Part 1

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
fabrica de camisas manchester wrote:
me podrian ayudar como puedo actualizar el programa a la version DG 15


Si requiere informacion acerca de Tajima DG15 by Pulse, por favor contacte su distributor local usando la infomacion siguiente:
Simplify Your Digitizing Process with VBE - Part 2

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Simplify Your Digitizing Process with Vector Based Embroidery - Part One
By: Alex Papaioannou, Business Development Manager
Published in Imprint Canada

This is part two of an article posted earlier this week...
Read Part 1 here.

As the apparel decoration business grows, digital print companies are becoming more involved in the embroidery sector and vice versa. This means that graphic designers have begun to enter the digitizing space. These designers are familiar with tools like combine, offset and cut. With VBE, these features are included in your software.

In addition to these tools, your VBE software should also include an auto breakup feature. This type of feature will increase the productivity of your embroidery business. In a single automated step, an auto breakup feature slices complex satin segments into simpler segments which are then combined and branched appropriately before automatically applying stitch direction lines. This time saving tool takes all the guesswork and grunt work out of creating a beautiful, embroidery design.

Traditionally, digital print companies and their professional designers are accustomed to the use of graphic programs such as CorelDRAW® and Adobe® Illustrator®. The transition from these programs to most embroidery software is a rough one. Learning to work with new file types and mastering the embroidery technique can be a headache.

The solution to this issue is to install an embroidery plug-in program to either your CorelDRAW® or Adobe® Illustrator® program. Once the plug-in is installed, designers do not need to worry about learning new tools. The only learning curve is to understand the basic embroidery stitch types. The plug-in will offer all other features necessary for control over design quality with Corel® or Adobe®.

Organizations that have implemented Vector Based Embroidery or a plug in to either Corel® or Adobe® are sure to experience an increase in productivity. The end result is high quality embroidery that will dazzle your customers. By employing VBE software, you will eliminate the hours upon hours of time spent recreating artwork, and instead, spend that time growing your business.

When choosing your embroidery software, Vector Based Embroidery and a top rate plug-in to either CorelDRAW® or Adobe® Illustrator® are essential for best results in terms of digitizing quality and productivity.

Pulse Microsystems has been an innovator in the software business for over 30 years. Pulse’s powerful embroidery software includes Vector Based Embroidery and state of the art fusion features and plug-in programs. If you are ready to bring Vector Based Embroidery to your business, or to learn more, please contact your local Pulse Microsystems distributor or visit www.pulsemicro.com/embroidery.

Adobe® and Illustrator® are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
Corel® and CorelDRAW® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Corel Corporation and/or its subsidiaries in Canada, the United States and/or other countries.
edited by PulseMicro on 10/31/2014
Profiting from Personalization

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Wearables Magazine has published an article about profiting from personalization in their November/December issue.

Brian Goldberg speaks about one of the fastest growing segments in the apparel decoration industry, and how smart garment decorators are able to create multiple personalized garments in seconds with Variable Data.

Click here to read the Wearables Magazine Article
Update dg/ml 14

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
psimone1988 wrote:
I wanted to ask when it will be scheduled to update the version
Thanks so much
a greeting

Hello psimone1988,

Tajima DG/ML14.1.6.5388 is currently available if you have not updated to it already. At this time, only maintenance releases are planned for DG/ML14 on a must fix basis. If you have encountered an issue that you feel needs to be addressed, please forward any details you can to your distributor.

Thanks for your interest in Tajima DG/ML by Pulse.
Free Design

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Greilly wrote:
Can anyone tell me if they are going to start to give the free designs weekly again. Also when is the first page coming back (the one they use to have when you first put Pulse on)

Hello Greilly,

At the moment, we do not have plans to give away weekly free designs again. However, we are planning to give away some other very useful assets in the future! We'll let everyone know when it begins!

In regards to the home page of Tajima DG by Pulse products, the DG15 theme will remain there going forward. We want to be sure to provide each user with updated content, and easy access to the latest forum posts here in the community.
The Rise of Retail-Specific Embroidery – Part One

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
The Rise of Retail-Specific Embroidery – Part One
By: Claude Vlandis, Senior Vice President of Business Development

Recently, retail embroidery has seen a boom in business based primarily on customers’ demand for garment personalization. The retail embroidery business has yet to reach its full potential and there’s still plenty of room for growth in the space. Retail shops that have one or two embroidery machines are beginning to take advantage of the demand and are offering personalized garments to their growing customer base.

The most important asset that these retail companies and others looking to enter the business, can implement is retail-specific embroidery software. This software simplifies the personalization process to the point that even novices to apparel decoration will be able to learn in minutes.

Instead of digitizing each and every stitch of a design, retail embroidery software allows the user to make adjustments to the design as a whole. Simply put, these systems can be seen as lettering tools that also allow for the inclusion of embroidery designs. Users can make changes to the size, colour, slant and font of their personalized text. They can then add a design to their garment such as a mascot or logo. Retail-specific embroidery software will improve the efficiency of your business and capitalize on a growing market.

With a retail software solution, you can use the power of templates to quickly create your own personalized design. The burden of digitizing is eliminated by selecting a template and then choosing your desired text and design elements. Users can also take advantage of the innovative technology by creating their own templates based on the needs of their business. This allows the user to keep the same design for multiple garments and personalize with individual or team names.

With the latest retail software offerings, garments can be personalized in minutes using a wide selection of fonts, thread charts, templates and editing tools. This type of software works with text and designs for shirts, jackets, and hats and more.

Look out for part two of this piece coming later this week!
edited by PulseMicro on 12/1/2014
The Rise of Retail-Specific Embroidery – Part Two

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
The Rise of Retail-Specific Embroidery – Part Two
By: Claude Vlandis, Senior Vice President of Business Development
This is part two of an article posted earlier this week...

Though simple to use, retail embroidery software does offer powerful editing tools to ensure your design perfectly matches your vision. You can use tools such as align, transform, rotate and resize to ensure that your customers’ designs meet their standards.

You can easily create borders for text and alter the spacing between letters to get the look you desire. Thread charts can be switched for easy colour changes and selection. Editing tools allow customers to personalize their garment through to the finest detail. Users can even virtually preview their design on a garment of their choice to get a better idea of how their embroidery will look on the t-shirt, sweater, apron or hat of their choice. The ability to import CSV files and to print for barcode scanning are standard features for retail embroidery software that take advantage of the industry’s evolving technology.

For retail businesses that are already operating in the personalization space or those that are just entering, reliable and powerful embroidery software is essential. Retail-specific software will improve operational efficiency, draw the eye of potential customers and deliver top quality embroidery at an unbelievable rate.

Now is the time for retail businesses to enter the personalization space.
Update dg/ml 14

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Afzel wrote:
good day

I would like to know if there is a plugin for corel x7 and which version will have the plugin for corel x7

Hello Afzel,

There is a CorelDRAW x7 plugin for Tajima DG15 by Pulse, which is available in the current version already. At this time, there is no plan to include a CorelDRAW x7 plugin for DG/ML14 unfortunately.
Handmade Gifts for the Holiday Season

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Hand Made Gifts for the Holiday Season
By Peggy Forde

As Christmas approaches, anxiety rises as many people frantically search for just the right gift for each person on their list. The jewelry stores would have you “say it with diamonds”, but in my experience, a handmade gift says “you’re special” more than anything else you could give. Today, I’d like to share a few last minute gift ideas which add a personal touch to the usual holiday gift giving, and are sure to be a hit with friends and family members alike!

Baby Blankets with a Personal Touch

Polarfleece and embroidery were made for each other. Personalized baby blankets made with fleece are particularly fun to make since they are simple in nature, but there are many ways to make them completely unique. They’re also incredibly soft and warm, ensuring the little recipient will sleep snugly through the cold winter nights!

To make one, you’ll need a piece of Polar Fleece about 1 metre by 1 metre in size. If your fleece has a pattern on it, you can embroider the baby’s name and birthdate in one corner, or in the centre, depending on the pattern style. If your fleece is a solid colour, your personalization or design can be embroidered anywhere on the blanket, although a design placed in the centre will still show when baby is tucked in.
Before you decide where your embroidered design will go, measure in about 10 cm (4 in) from all edges and mark with pins or a dressmakers marker; you will be cutting a fringe after you have embroidered your design. Don’t cut first, as you need the fabric intact for the hoop to hold on to. All machine embroidery requires stabilizer, but embroidering on fleece requires water soluble stabilizer on BOTH sides of the fabric. This ensures that the stitches don’t disappear into the fleece.

Once you have embroidered on the piece of fleece, it’s time to cut the fringe. If you’ve never cut into fabric before, this can be a bit scary, but I assure you, the results are worth it! Using a pair of sharp scissors, estimate about 2.5 cm (1 in) between each cut, and cut to your marked line. You will also need to cut a 10 cm (4 in) square out of each corner so the fringe is even on all sides. Once you have made a fringe all the way around the blanket, you may tie a simple knot in each piece of fringe to complete the effect.

Unique Scarves for Cold Winter Days

Another easy to make Polarfleece gift is a scarf. Scarves lend themselves to many winter embroidery motifs: snowflakes, skates, snowmen, and mittens for example. For the sports fan, you could embroider his or her favourite player’s number, the team crest or a depiction of that sport, such as a hockey stick or basketball. If the wearer of this scarf is prone to losing these kinds of things, you might want to embroider their name on it, too!

To create a warm scarf, you’ll need a piece of fleece that’s about 25 cm (10 in) wide and 115cm (45 in) long in the colour of your choice. As with the baby blanket, you’ll need to use water soluble stabilizer on both sides to ensure the stitching stays easily visible. Regardless of the size of your design or personalization, the bottom of it should sit about 20 cm (8 in) from the end of the scarf to make sure there is enough space for fringing. After you have finished embroidering your design, measure 15 cm (6 in) from both ends and cut the fringes using the same method as for the baby blanket. Optionally, you may knot the fringe as well to complete the scarf. Imagine the delight on the recipient’s face when they unwrap this gift designed uniquely for them!

Bean Bags for Toddlers

Little children love playing with bean bags; they also outgrow their blue jeans before they wear out. Fortunately, denim makes for great bean bag material and is very easy to embroider on.

To begin creating bean bags, cut the legs off the jeans and cut vertically up both sides of the heavy doubled seam (it is probably the outside seam) so that you have a flat piece of denim with a seam up the middle. You need to leave this intact to have enough fabric to fit into the hoop. You can discard the strip of fabric that you have cut off. For little hands, the finished bean bag will be about 10 cm x 10 cm (4 in x 4 in), so your embroidery design needs to be smaller than this and fairly uncluttered. I have found “baby” animals, dinosaurs, cars & trucks or the recipient’s initials to be suitable designs that fit well in smaller areas.

Although denim is fairly sturdy, you still need a light, tear-away stabilizer to ensure smooth stitching and avoid puckering of the fabric. Centre your design on one half of the pant leg – the existing seam will be one end of the bean bag. Once you have finished embroidering your design, cut a 25 cm x 12.5 cm (10 x 5 in) rectangle making sure that your embroidered design is in the centre of one half. Now, fold it right sides together along the existing seam and sew a 1.5cm ( ½ in) seam around two of the open sides. Turn the bean bag right side out and fill it about ¾ full with dried beans or peas. Then turn the raw edges in 1.5 cm (0.5 in) and stitch across the opening to close up the bean bag, completing a great low-tech gift for an active toddler!

Home Made Wine Bottle Gift Bags

You can probably get two or three bean bags out of one leg of a child’s jeans, but what do you do with the other leg? If it is a least 37cm (15 in) long, you can make a wine bottle gift bag! When bringing a bottle to the next holiday party, yours will certainly stand out among all those cardboard boxes and paper bags!

Leaving the hem end intact (this is the “top” of the finished bag), cut straight up the inside seam of the pant leg until it will fit flat in the embroidery hoop. Try to leave the hem intact if you can, as it is difficult to sew this back together! Place the hoop so the design will be centered about 5 cm (2 in) from the bottom of the finished bag (the cut end of the leg). I find it easier to cut a piece of stabilizer a little bigger than my design and use temporary spray adhesive to “glue” it to the wrong side of the denim. There are many fun wine-related designs available for purchase, and you could even personalize the design for the person to whom you are giving the wine.

Once you have finished embroidering your design, turn the leg (right sides together) and measure about 5 cm (2 in) from the hem (top of the bag). You can then cut a piece of ribbon or cording that complements your design about 55cm (21.5 in) long, and then fold it in half. Insert the ribbon or cording about 5cm (2 in) from the top of the finished bag with the fold poking through the open seam. Now, re-stitch the seam you cut apart, making sure to stitch across the folded ribbon or cord, and then stitch across the bottom. If you like, you can pinch the corners flat and sew across them about 2.5cm (1 in) in to create a flatter bottom to the bag. Turn it right side out, slip a bottle in, tie it up and present it to your favourite oenophile. If you’re lucky, you might even get it back one day!

I hope you enjoy making some of these uniquely creative gifts for family and friends. Happy Holidays!
edited by PulseMicro on 12/9/2014
PulseCloud Video Walkthrough

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Take a Tour of PulseCloud!

Let us walk you through some of the biggest features and innovations you can take advantage of by incorporating cloud based technology into your every day work routines. Not only do you gain access to your embroidery designs from anywhere, but you also gain the ability to personalize them with an additional 40+ premium Pulse fonts right in front of customers. PulseCloud lets you spend more time building and maintaining client relationships without losing contact with your business, and you can even accomplish custom orders while on the road!

Embroidery Embraces the Cloud

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Embroidery Embraces the Cloud
By: Brian Goldberg, President

Cloud technology is making a huge impact on various industries around the world and the embroidery business is no exception. Moving technology into the cloud opens the door for various mobile and social possibilities. It enables businesses to take their productivity on the go and access their important files securely on multiple devices.

For the technological novice, the term cloud refers to computing that is done over the Internet and in most cases this is used to describe software services. Moving to the cloud means mobility and collaboration. Data is not confined to a hard drive on one user’s computer or even on an internal network. Files are stored in server farms and can be accessed, shared, edited and saved over the internet.

The advances that have been made in cloud technology in just the past couple of years have been remarkable. Apple, Microsoft, Google and other leading technological innovators are all offering numerous cloud-based services to their customers and partners.

One great example of a cloud-based system is Dropbox, a popular program that allows users to share files remotely over the internet. You can share files with an individual, a small group or make them public for all to view. Each individual has their own Dropbox account where they can only access folders that they created themselves or that they have been permitted to access by the friends or coworkers.

This exciting new technology has now been harnessed by apparel decoration software experts. Web applications have been developed that allow users to manage, edit and browse their embroidery artwork over the Internet. This amazing technology can be accessed from your smartphone, laptop, tablet or any other device connected to the Internet.

Apparel decoration businesses that implement cloud technology into their processes will quickly see the benefit both in terms of profitability and efficiency. Cloud technology now allows embroidery professionals to monitor the status of their machines as well. You can see if a design is completed, if the machine is running or if there was a stoppage due to something like a thread break. Users can even send designs to their machines from anywhere. Cloud technology is allowing businesses to take their embroidery productivity on the go and to expand their reach through social networking.

When you make the decision to take your embroidery business into the cloud, it is essential to partner with an organization that has a track record of success and dependability. Looking ahead, the coming years promise even more advances in cloud computing meaning more ways to share and access your materials!
edited by PulseMicro on 12/15/2014
Introduction to Tajima DG15 by Pulse Webinars

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
The Introduction to Tajima DG15 by Pulse webinar series features 3 of Pulse's leading digitizing and software experts as they walk you through many of the tools and features available within DG15 and PulseCloud.

To register, please click the link below. One registration grants access to all 3 webinars in this series.

Each webinar consists of 2 different topics, which will each span approximately 30-45 minutes, including time for questions from viewers. Total time: ~1.5 hours.

Date: Tuesday, January 6th, 2015
Presenter: Alexandros Papaioannou
Time: 1pm - 2:30pm EST

Intro to DG15 and Basic Editing
New Tools and Features in DG15

Date: Tuesday, January 13th, 2015
Presenter: Bill Collins
Time: 1pm - 2:30pm EST

Intro to Automation

Date: Monday, February 2nd, 2015
Presenter: Roland Schneider
Time: 10am - 11:30am EST

Monograms and Lettering
Advanced Editing and Stitch Types

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

We hope to see you there!
Introduction to Tajima DG15 by Pulse Webinars

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
TOGMark wrote:
Just wanted to thank you for the program presented yesterday. smile

You're very welcome TOGMark! Thank you for attending!

Hopefully you will be able to join us next week when we demonstrate PulseCloud and some of the automation capabilities of DG15 as well.

For anyone who wasn't able to attend the webinar on January 6th or wants to view it again, we will be posting the recording in the next couple of days.
Essential Business Intel - Enterprise Networking

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Gain Control of Your Production Floor with Enterprise Networking Technology
By: Tas Tsonis, Chief Executive Officer

The apparel decoration industry is currently in a period of great technological innovation. There are some changes that are obvious such as the new way artwork is being designed, printed, stitched and carved with software advances and machine improvements. There are also some less obvious changes like the emergence of enterprise networking solutions. These solutions are having an incredible impact on the industry in terms of the efficiency and profitability of larger organizations. Enterprise networking is revolutionizing the production floor, opening the door to huge savings.

Businesses are beginning to implement enterprise networking solutions to monitor all aspects of their production floor including operator efficiency, machine status and design statistics. These solutions increase productivity and provide essential business intelligence to floor managers and provide tangible information for the decision making process at an executive level. Enterprise networking solutions can also help to manage and inform your production schedule.

Enterprise networking solutions are available for all major embroidery machine brands and have already been installed at thousands of organizations globally with great results. The solutions are simple to manage an easily expandable to a larger machine group, making it a worthwhile business investment. With enterprise networking, production managers are able to motivate and monitor their machine operators. They gain valuable reporting on the efficiency of individual operators and specific times of the day to find out where your operation is succeeding and what needs to be improved.

Enterprise networking solutions are equipped with operator login and logout functions that will track operator machine usage using barcode technology. Operators can login to their embroidery machines by scanning their operator ID, directly into the control panel of the embroidery machine and their production is monitored throughout their shift.

An Operator Summary Report is produced that includes number of stitches, number of runs, operator login and logout times, number of resews, a list of jobs processed by the operator, and other production statistics. This ensures that your operators are motivated to hit their numbers and you can be sure that you are getting the best productivity possible.

In addition to operator efficiency, you can gain great insight into the functionality of your machines. Reports can be generated on machine production including running time, down time, pieces produced per hour and total production. The Machine Summary Report contains information such as total running time, total down time, total stitches produced, number of runs, number of pieces produced, stitches per hour, a list of completed jobs, and other production statistics. With Enterprise Networking technology, you can monitor each and every detail of your machines and your production floor.

Make informed decisions for machine and operator planning with data sent directly from the embroidery machines. There is no need to rely on manually created production reports that are time consuming and prone to error. This information enables production managers to better plan their production schedule and quickly respond to production issues.

Reporting statistics for operators and machines can be saved as XLS reports or monitored through an administrative dashboard remotely over the internet with up to the minute information. Since reporting is available online, it is accessible from any PC or tablet on your corporate intranet using a modern web browser.

If you operate a large organization, an effective enterprise networking solution is essential in maximizing productivity and increasing profitability. It is important to choose an enterprise networking solution with a reputation for quality and consistency. Pulse Microsystems is the industry leader in enterprise networking technology, and Pulse’s powerful enterprise networking solution will seamlessly integrate into your current infrastructure in any or all forms of embellishment, including: embroidery, digital print, laser, appliqué, rhinestone, sequin and engraving.

If you are ready to automate your apparel decoration business or are curious to learn more, please contact your local Pulse Microsystems distributor or visit www.pulsemicro.com.
The Trend Towards Personalization Automation

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Trending Toward Personalization and Automation
By: Claude Vlandis, Senior Vice President of Business Development

The garment decoration industry is in a period of rapid technological innovation. Organizations are quickly adopting new technologies and business practices to help with productivity and profitability. One such change is the movement toward garment personalization and the automation of this process. It is becoming more and more difficult for digital print and embroidery businesses to remain competitive without offering a mass personalization solution to their customer base.

Personalization is a segment of the business that provides a very high profit margin. The automation process builds on this, allowing you to keep costs low while maximizing productivity. Together, personalization and automation are making a large impact across both the digital print and embroidery worlds.

The personalization process is very straightforward. Your customer creates their design from scratch or based on a defined template. They can add their name, initials or a personalized message to the garment. A personalization solution gives the customer the opportunity to see a rendering of the design and check for any mistakes before approving it and submitting for production. Once submitted, your ordering system will receive the design and your operator will be able to send it to the machine for production. Personalization is great for building a customer base in sports teams, clubs, and events because a single template can serve as the basis for hundreds of designs.

There are several businesses that have already followed the industry trend toward personalizing garments. This is a great step in the right direction but the full potential of their business is not realized until an automation solution is implemented. Automation will improve efficiency, consistency, and profitability in any area of apparel personalization.

Automation solutions will seamlessly integrate into your current production processes, no matter how large or small your apparel decoration business is. An automation solution will save you time and labor costs, improving delivery times and eliminating costly errors associated with manual input.

It is important for an automation solution be tailored specifically to your organization’s needs and strengths. Designs can be created automatically according to your company's guidelines and text generation rules, and can be automatically downloaded to your production machines. The automation process runs through a text and design creation engine that generates designs based on orders created online, or on in-house. This part of the process is completed without any user intervention.

The automation process will allow you to maximize the efficiency of your business and your employees. It frees you from tedious tasks such as order processing and manual entry, creating more time for you to focus on other aspects of the business.

With digital print automation, Variable Data improves productivity by reducing the time it takes to create multiple personalizations that are similar in appearance. The design process only has to be completed once and you can print many personalized items.

As for embroidery, new personalization solutions are able to provide 3D renderings of designs before they are approved for production. Embroidery files are generated automatically from the order information and by consulting your own product-specific parameters such as the size of the design and font selection. The entire process becomes streamlined.

Automation will help your bottom line in several ways. For one, it eliminates production errors, thus eliminating the cost of lost products and unhappy customers. With an automated solution in place there’s no need to worry about spelling errors, spacing issues or crude language appearing in any of your designs.

Automating your business maximizes the productivity of your employees. Your machine operators will be able to manage multiple machines simultaneously. Instead of an operator taking the design manually from the order and inputting to the machine, the process is now as simple as scanning a barcode and readying the garment for production.

Companies that have implemented both personalization and automation are sure to see a boom in businesses. When a company experiences this type of phenomenal growth, it must have the equipment and systems in place to keep up with demand. A great automation solution is one that is streamlined, allowing your organization to increase the rate at which orders can be handled and processed. This will allow you to scale up your business, meaning the automation solution will grow alongside the organization.

When you are ready to automate your business, it is important to look toward an organization with experience and a reputation for quality. Pulse’s powerful automation software solutions will seamlessly integrate into your current infrastructure. Pulse automation handles the production process from order entry through to design production. Eliminate all manual production tasks and errors that cost your business lost time and revenue each day. Automation solutions are available for all forms of embellishment including embroidery, digital print, laser, appliqué, rhinestone, sequin and engraving.

If you are ready to automate your apparel decoration business or are curious to learn more, please contact your local Pulse Microsystems distributor or visit www.pulsemicro.com.
Small Lettering, Big Impact!

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Small Lettering, Big Impact!

One of the most important features for customers looking to purchase embroidered products is the quality of lettering. Apparel decoration business owners know that lettering quality is impacted by several things including threads, needle size, machine speed and embroidery software. This becomes even more important when we begin to talk about specialty resources for small lettering fonts.

Offering high quality small lettering will set your business apart from others that either refuse to do the work or do a poor job with small lettering requests. The versatility of small lettering can gain you access to designs and clients that may have gone to other forms of garment decoration before, never knowing that quality embroidery could be so fine.

Small lettering generally refers to text smaller than 5mm in height. High quality small lettering can be created at heights as small as 3mm. When choosing to embark on a small lettering project it is essential to implement an embroidery software program that offers a wide array of specialty small lettering fonts. This means different types of fonts including block, script and line fonts to give you the most flexibility possible.

Tajima DG15 by Pulse now has more small lettering fonts than ever before. The following 21 fonts are specifically designed for small lettering and are included as standard for all DG15 users. Pulse employs a lettering expert who digitizes these fonts to perform optimally in any and all situations. Pulse’s small lettering fonts are the best in the world and are one of the many advantages to purchasing DG15.

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