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23 hours ago
Looking for a better font - tips to make cleaner

Posts: 12
Hillhouse wrote:
Would you be able to explain how you move the "dots up for me?
That is an issue I am having as well.
We got our fonts to look better but still having some issues with i's and j's

Secondly, would there be a way to take the New Block font and make a copy of it, edit the i's and j's so that it is automatically setup like this every time? I have been trying to find resources on creating my own font. Anyone have suggestions?

To increase the spacing between letters, use the setting: Segments settings → Text → General → Letter spacing.

To edit each letter individually, you need to break the text into segments:
Right-click on the text object → Process → Text to Segments.
After this, in Sequence View, you will see that each letter is now separate. However, the letters i and j will still be together with their dots. You need to select the letter i or j and perform a Breakup (Ctrl + K). This will separate the dot from the main body of the letter, allowing you to move or delete it.

Unfortunately, this process cannot be done automatically.
Also, internal fonts in DG cannot be edited.

You can create a font from scratch in DG using any TrueType font with the built-in tool:
Manage → Fonts → New.
However, this feature is only available in Maestro versions of DG.
edited by izš on 2/12/2025
edited by izš on 2/12/2025
2 days ago
Looking for a better font - tips to make cleaner

Posts: 6
dluxedivegear wrote:
I also have issues with 'i' and 'j' from time to time, but I adjust the dots manually if they are too close. As for TrueType fonts, the conversion from Fill to Satin stitch doesn't take long; it only requires adjusting the stitch angles occasionally. For vertical alignment, I mainly use German Block New.. The dots, by the way, are positioned higher in this font and, when vertically aligned, they are well-trimmed on the sides.

Would you be able to explain how you move the "dots up for me?
That is an issue I am having as well.
We got our fonts to look better but still having some issues with i's and j's

Secondly, would there be a way to take the New Block font and make a copy of it, edit the i's and j's so that it is automatically setup like this every time? I have been trying to find resources on creating my own font. Anyone have suggestions?
12 days ago
Script Errors for PulseCloud on New Computer

Posts: 1
tengo un error de scrip
13 days ago
Presets are not saving

Posts: 12
Thank you very much! Now everything works just as I wanted!

Tajima Software wrote:
Hi izš Presets are saved per design by default. To make your preset always show when starting a new design, please use the following instructions:

1. Open the "Manage" tab from the top toolbar.
2. Select "Presets".
3. Update the top dropdown menu from "Presets" to "Preset Sets".
4: Select "Basics" and then "Open".
5: Select the presets you would like to be available in future designs.
6: Save and close the tab.
After following these steps your presets will be added to your default list.
edited by Tajima Software on 1/29/2025
14 days ago
Presets are not saving

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
Topic: Presets are not saving
Hi izš Presets are saved per design by default. To make your preset always show when starting a new design, please use the following instructions:

1. Open the "Manage" tab from the top toolbar.
2. Select "Presets".
3. Update the top dropdown menu from "Presets" to "Preset Sets".
4: Select "Basics" and then "Open".
5: Select the presets you would like to be available in future designs.
6: Save and close the tab.
After following these steps your presets will be added to your default list.
edited by Tajima Software on 1/29/2025
15 days ago
PNG files exporting Extra puffy.

Posts: 12
Alaurhaynes wrote:
So i just started using DG 17 and we use PNG files from the PXF to make digital proofs for customers. It was just pointed out to me that a PNG I exported from DG17 is appearing very puffed up from what it should appear.
The attached image shows the difference between an export from 17 and DG15.
Anyone know if this is just a settings change on DG17?

It looks to me that in the DG17 screenshot, Compensation is activated. However, in DG15, it is either not activated or its value is lower than in DG17. Please check this parameter.

19 days ago
PNG files exporting Extra puffy.

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
Topic: PNG files exporting Extra puffy.
Hi Alaurhaynes,

We hope you are enjoying the upgrade so far! Please try selecting file → Export → Options and increasing the DPI.
19 days ago
PNG files exporting Extra puffy.

Posts: 1
So i just started using DG 17 and we use PNG files from the PXF to make digital proofs for customers. It was just pointed out to me that a PNG I exported from DG17 is appearing very puffed up from what it should appear.
The attached image shows the difference between an export from 17 and DG15.
Anyone know if this is just a settings change on DG17?
19 days ago
Presets are not saving

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
Topic: Presets are not saving
Thank you for letting us know izš, we will investigate it further.
19 days ago
Presets are not saving

Posts: 12
When you save a preset, it appears to be saved in the current design. However, when opening a new design or creating a new one, the saved preset is no longer available.
The same issue occurs after restarting the program - the saved preset is gone.

26 days ago
The Copy Setting

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
Topic: The Copy Setting
Please try: Tools > User Settings > Environment > Include needle color...
26 days ago
The Copy Setting

Posts: 12
Posts: 12
Topic: The Copy Setting
isilay wrote:
On DG17 that feature became selectable in User Settings.

Could you please tell me where exactly this setting is? I can't find it. I have DG17.
28 days ago
Pulse Signature

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
Topic: Pulse Signature
Please reach out to the distributor that you bought your copy of Signature from.
V16 Illustrator Extreme Manual Start/Stop Points

B2BO Branding
B2BO Branding
Posts: 2
Thank you so much for the response. i finally found the setting i was looking for on this latest update of V16.5.3.7660. That allows me to manually add start and stop points after finishing a segment. The setting is not found on same place as the previous version. I have attached the 2 images of different updates for reference. I am now sorted.
edited by B2BO Branding on 1/13/2025
V16 Illustrator Extreme Manual Start/Stop Points

Posts: 1
Great post! The V16 Illustrator's Extreme Manual Start/Stop Points feature is a game changer for precision work. It's fantastic how it gives users more control over their design process. Looking forward to trying it out for my next project—thanks for sharing the details!
Pulse Signature

Posts: 1
Posts: 1
Topic: Pulse Signature
Hi there I have still the old Pulse Signature 11.1.2980 I seem to have lost the original file are you able to help me?
I there a update to this I don't want to buy a whole new software
Kind regrds
V16 Illustrator Extreme Manual Start/Stop Points

Posts: 15
To the best of MY knowledge, you do not have the ability to "program" Pulse DG16 to have start/stop points occur manually. When digitizing a segment, the start/stop "beads" appear in the segment automatically, but YOU have the ability to move them to where you want them. At least I do in my DG16.
V16 Illustrator Extreme Manual Start/Stop Points

B2BO Branding
B2BO Branding
Posts: 2
Good day
Please help. I want to add start/stop points manually but i can not find it on this V16.5.3.7660
Start/Stop are placed on the segment automatically.
Please refer to the attached image.
edited by B2BO Branding on 1/6/2025
edited by B2BO Branding on 1/6/2025
フォントの保存(Font Saving)

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
Topic: フォントの保存(Font Saving)
It looks like you are trying to save to the DG15 fonts folder.

Try saving to:

C:\ProgramData\Tajima\DG16 By Pulse\Fonts
フォントの保存(Font Saving)

Posts: 1
When using DG16 ( on a Windows 11 PC, I cannot save fonts from the shortcut menu.
Please advise on how to improve this situation.
I can open fonts from Tools → Manage → Fonts and save fonts from the file menu.
Previously, when using DG15 on a Windows 10 PC, I was able to save fonts from the shortcut menu.
Thank you for your help.
Please advise on how to improve this situation.
I can open fonts from Tools → Manage → Fonts and save fonts from the file menu.
Previously, when using DG15 on a Windows 10 PC, I was able to save fonts from the shortcut menu.

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