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Autosave Restore file locations Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 14

Posts: 14
I've created a file twice now, but have lost it when the software crashed. For some reason, when my software crashed both times (and it crashes often), I'm not asked if I want to restore this particular file. I have Autosave set to 1 minute. I really don't want to digitize this file again, but if I cannot find it, I'll have to. Can anyone tell me the location of these Autosaved files?
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Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 499
Hello DancingBayLLC,

The Autosave function works by overwriting the file you are working on every X minutes, where X is the number you set in the Environments panel. If you have set it to one minute, it should overwrite the file you have open every minute, so you may lose that much work or less if a crash occurs.

Our recommendation is that when you first start digitizing, you save it right away so that there is an existing file and name for the design. Then if a crash does occur, DG should ask you if you want to restore your last design when it is relaunched, and will include all of the changed up until a minute (or less) before the crash.

Can you let us know what version of DG you are using and what version of Windows?
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