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Barcodes: A Simple Way to Improve Efficiency Messages in this topic - RSS

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 488

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 488
Many embroidery machines offer optional support for barcode technology. Implementing a simple barcoding system makes it easy for machine operators to load designs quickly to complete more designs in a shift. This process results in less machine downtime and more profits for your business.

Barcoding will also reduce production issues that are created by operator error when they are trying to load designs individually or through other means such as floppy disk or USB. A proper barcoding system will boost productivity and help manage your production floor.

Once you’re ready to take another step toward improving efficiency you can add an automation system to your production floor. Automation software lets operators pull designs directly from a centralized database using the barcode scanner. It reads orders directly from your existing order information system and eliminates the tedious design retrieval process. A production automation solution ensures that your production floor is finely tuned to maximize profitability.

Barcoding and automation systems are specifically designed for high volume personalization creation and can develop professional-quality files directly from computer data or from online order forms. A simple barcode scanning system can significantly increase your machine operator’s productivity, and enable them to manage multiple machines at once. When combined with automation, it leads to lower expenses, increased profit and more time to focus on sales and other aspects of your business.
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