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Small Lettering, Big Impact! Messages in this topic - RSS

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 461

Tajima Software
Tajima Software
Posts: 461
Small Lettering, Big Impact!

One of the most important features for customers looking to purchase embroidered products is the quality of lettering. Apparel decoration business owners know that lettering quality is impacted by several things including threads, needle size, machine speed and embroidery software. This becomes even more important when we begin to talk about specialty resources for small lettering fonts.

Offering high quality small lettering will set your business apart from others that either refuse to do the work or do a poor job with small lettering requests. The versatility of small lettering can gain you access to designs and clients that may have gone to other forms of garment decoration before, never knowing that quality embroidery could be so fine.

Small lettering generally refers to text smaller than 5mm in height. High quality small lettering can be created at heights as small as 3mm. When choosing to embark on a small lettering project it is essential to implement an embroidery software program that offers a wide array of specialty small lettering fonts. This means different types of fonts including block, script and line fonts to give you the most flexibility possible.

Tajima DG15 by Pulse now has more small lettering fonts than ever before. The following 21 fonts are specifically designed for small lettering and are included as standard for all DG15 users. Pulse employs a lettering expert who digitizes these fonts to perform optimally in any and all situations. Pulse’s small lettering fonts are the best in the world and are one of the many advantages to purchasing DG15.

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Posts: 65

Posts: 65
Any other software's fonts cannot compete with those special small fonts of Pulse. Congratulations.
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