Bug Reports
Virtual Slice lags and is not optimized!
izšuvums.lv Posts: 13
Please check the attached file. This is a small design, 13 cm wide with only 3,400 stitches, but it causes horrendous lag. This file is impossible to edit.
I’m using a computer with a 12-core processor, 32GB of RAM, and 16GB of video memory, yet this simple file cannot be processed properly by the software.
Is this issue caused by the large number of Virtual Slices in the design? Should it really work this way? How many Virtual Slices should an object have to avoid such lag? Why is it present at all?
I believe this is an optimization issue with this tool. Please fix it! I use Virtual Slice very often, and I really like this tool.
izšuvums.lv Posts: 13
I tested this design in Tajima DG versions 14, 15, and 16, and everything works fine—it can be edited without issues. In version 17, it’s impossible. Such lags are absolutely abnormal, especially on a powerful computer.
Please fix it in the next updates!
Tajima Software Administrator Posts: 499
Thank you @izšuvums.lv it is an issue with the Virtual Slices. We will have this fixed in the next maintenance release.