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Selection Switching Messages in this topic - RSS

Posts: 15

6 days ago
This isn't so much a bug as it is something I noticed and trying to see how if there is a setting I can change.

In previous versions, if I had a segment selected, I could do anything I needed with that segment without issue.

In 17, if my cursor clicks anywhere near another segment, it is selected off the one I'm editing and changed to a different one.

The most prominent issue I am facing is when trying to draw my satin directions, and if my segment overlaps another segment or is near one when I try to place the first bead, it will change off my tool and switch to a nearby segment.

I was hoping maybe there was a new setting I missed to auto-select a segment that gets touched even if not using the selection tool.
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TSoft Admin 1
TSoft Admin 1
Posts: 1

9 hours ago
TSoft Admin 1
TSoft Admin 1
Posts: 1
Our support team has suggested trying to uncheck the setting below:

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